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Hily is a dating app that allows users to be truly yourself and enjoy dating as they are.

With Hily our users become part of a dating community where authentic people are looking for real connections.

We do our best to understand users’ needs and shorten their path from registration to finding an ideal partner. We also work hard to make sure our users feel safe and comfortable.

Thanks to our efforts, we are always on the list of the top 5 dating apps in the USA.

Hily today

36M+ users
1.5B+ likes sent
50M+ matches annually


Hily builds a culture of dating that inspires people to be authentic.


  • Authenticity
    Everyone is unique, interesting, and deserving of the connections they crave.
  • Change
    Change is the natural law and your fundamental right. We encourage experiments because we love trying new things, too!
  • Community
    We create a safe and fun community around our brand, united by shared culture, values, and rules.